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Christy Carlyle

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Fueled by Pacific Northwest coffee and inspired by multiple viewings of every British costume drama she can get her hands on, USA Today bestselling author Christy Carlyle writes sensual historical romance set in the Victorian era. She loves heroes who struggle against all odds and heroines who are ahead of their time. A former teacher with a degree in history, she finds there's nothing better than being able to combine her love of the past with a die-hard belief in happy endings.

Zen Cho

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Zen Cho is the author of a short story collection (Spirits Abroad, 2014) and two historical fantasy novels (Sorcerer to the Crown, 2015 and The True Queen, 2019) . She has won the Crawford Fantasy Award and the British Fantasy Award for Best Newcomer, and was a finalist for the Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Zen was born and raised in Malaysia, resides in the UK, and lives in a notional space between the two.