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Sebastian Raschka

track author

As a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University, Sebastian develops new computational methods in the field of computational biology using machine learning. Sebastian has many years of experience with coding in Python and has given several seminars on the practical applications of data science and machine learning. Sebastian loves to write and talk about data science, machine learning, and Python, and he is really motivated to help people developing data-driven solutions without necessarily requiring a machine learning background.

Sebastian is also actively contributing to open source projects, and methods...

Matthew Ball

track author

Matthew Ball is "one of the State's premier blues & boogie-woogie pianists. " With a performance history that includes everything from symphony appearances to blues festivals, this young man is already at the helm of an enviable performance career. Formally degreed in classical study, Ball gave up that devotion after attending a hometown boogie-woogie festival. In just four years, he was sharing the stage with iconic piano blues & boogie-woogie veterans. Called "the Gen-X arrival to this uniquely american art-form," Matthew is defining a new generation's contribution to this treasured...