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Learn how to create, train, and tweak large language models (LLMs) by building one from the ground up!. In Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch) , you'll discover how LLMs work from the inside out. In this insightful book, bestselling author Sebastian Raschka guides you step by step through creating your own LLM, explaining each stage with clear text, diagrams, and examples. You'll go from the initial design and creation to pretraining on a general corpus, all the way to finetuning for specific tasks. Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch) teaches you how to: Plan and code all the parts of an LLMPrepare a dataset suitable for LLM trainingFinetune LLMs for text classification and with your own dataApply instruction tuning techniques to ensure your LLM follows instructionsLoad pretrained weights into an LLM The large language models (LLMs) that power cutting-edge AI tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and Copilot seem like a miracle, but they're not magic.

About the Author

Sebastian Raschka

As a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University, Sebastian develops new computational methods in the field of computational biology using machine learning. Sebastian has many years of experience with coding in Python and has given several seminars on the practical applications of data science and machine learning. Sebastian loves to write and talk about data science, machine learning, and Python, and he is really motivated to help people developing data-driven solutions without necessarily requiring a machine learning background.

Sebastian is also actively contributing to open source projects, and methods that he implemented are now successfully used in machine learning competitions such as Kaggle. In his free-time, Sebastian is also working on models for sports predictions, and if he is not sitting in front of a computer, he enjoys playing sports in his spare time.

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