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Maria Noel Groves

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Maria Noel Groves, RH (AHG) is the bestselling author of Body into Balance (now a core textbook in herb schools across the country) and Grow Your Own Herbal Remedies as well as the owner of Wintergreen Botanicals Herbal Clinic & Education Center in New Hampshire. Maria is a clinical herbalist and herbal medicine teacher with more than two decades of experience, and a registered professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and certified by the Southwest School of Botanical Medicine. Her business is devoted to education on the foundational principle that good health grows in nature. She teaches, sees clients,...

Tanya Denckla Cobb

track author

Tanya Denckla Cobb is a writer, professional environmental mediator, and teacher of food system planning at the University of Virginia. She has worked at the grassroots, co-founding a community forestry nonprofit and mediating for community mediation centers. At the state level, she facilitated the birth of the Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Institute and the Virginia Food System Council, and served as Executive Director of the Virginia Urban Forest Council.While working for the federal government in the early 1980's, Tanya specialized in international labor rights and served on U.S. delegations to the U.N....