The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users
Guy Kawasaki · Portfolio Hardcover |
By now it's clear that whether you're promoting a business, a product, or yourself, social media is near the top of what determines your success or failure. And there are countless pundits, authors, and consultants eager to advise you. But there’s no one quite like... |
Android App Development For Dummies
Michael Burton · For Dummies; 3 edition |
The updated edition of the bestselling guide to Android app development If you have ambitions to build an Android app, this hands-on guide gives you everything you need to dig into the development process and turn your great idea into a reality! In this new edition of Android App Development... |
Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better
Clive Thompson · Penguin Books; Reprint edition |
A revelatory and timely look at how technology boosts our cognitive abilities—making us smarter, more productive, and more creative than everIt’s undeniable—technology is changing the way we think. But is it for the better? Amid a chorus of doomsayers, Clive Thompson... |
Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Pro
Guy Hart-Davis · Visual; 2 edition Pages: 384 |
Clear instructions to help visual learners get started with their MacBook Pro Covering all the essential information you need to get up to speed with your MacBook Pro, this new edition provides you with the most up-to-date information on performing everyday tasks quickly and easily.... |
iPad For Seniors For Dummies
Nancy C. Muir · For Dummies; 7 edition |
The easy way for seniors to master the iPad - updated for iPadAir 2 and iPad mini 3! Buying and getting started with an iPad or iPad Mini can beintimidating for people of any age, but it doesn't have to be. Thisnew edition of iPad For Seniors For Dummies providesstraightforward,... |
Linux Bible
Christopher Negus · Wiley; 9 edition |
The industry favorite Linux guide, updated for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and the cloud Linux Bible, 9th Edition is the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes. This updated ninth edition covers the latest... |
Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14
Scott Meyers · O'Reilly Media; 1 edition |
Coming to grips with C++11 and C++14 is more than a matter of familiarizing yourself with the features they introduce (e.g., auto type declarations, move semantics, lambda expressions, and concurrency support). The challenge is learning to use those features effectively—so that... |
Blender For Dummies
Jason van Gumster · For Dummies; 3 edition |
Learn 3D animation the easy way with this complete step-by-step guide Blender For Dummies is the quick and easy guide to learning 3D modeling and animation using the popular, free, open source Blender software. You'll learn how to create models, animate movement, and render well-lit... |
Professional WordPress: Design and Development
Brad Williams · Wrox; 3 edition |
The highest rated WordPress development and design book on themarket is back with an all new third edition. Professional WordPress is the only WordPress booktargeted to developers, with advanced content that exploits thefull functionality of the most popular CMS in the world. Fullyupdated... |