The extraordinary true story of a courageous school principal, Anna Essinger, who saw the dangers of Nazi Germany and took drastic steps to save those in harm's wayBy 1931, Anna Essinger had read Mein Kampf and knew that Hitler's world view was violent, utterly destructive, and that...
Jhumpa Lahiri - Princeton University Press Format: Hardcover
Luminous essays on translation and self-translation by the award-winning writer and literary translatorTranslating Myself and Others is a collection of candid and disarmingly personal essays by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri, who reflects on her emerging identity as a translator...
The multi-disciplinary artist and author of Like a Bird and How to Cure a Ghost explores the commodification and appropriation of wellness through the lens of social justice, providing resources to help anyone participate in self-care, regardless of race, identity, socioeconomic status...
From America's top psychic medium and the author of When Heaven Calls comes a new book that unveils the secrets of the afterlife, the truth about heaven, and why we never truly die.Psychic medium Matt Fraser, author of When Heaven Calls, is back to unpack the number one question folks...