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If anyone suggests that autistic people should not have children, in the mistaken belief that they would not be good parents because of their neurodiversity, they are wrong. Completely wrong. This is not to say that every autistic person should have a child, any more than every neuro-majority person should. People usually know for themselves whether or not they want to become parents, and if they don't, they shouldn't. It's as simple as that.Of course, that doesn't mean that every moment will be sunshine, rainbows, and cute, cuddly babies who sleep all night and never throw their oatmeal on the floor. Babies are just teenagers on hold, and teenagers are adults in waiting. At every step in the growing up process there will be hard times, and there will be joyful times.

About the Author

Wendela Whitcomb Marsh

Dr. Wendela Whitcomb Marsh is an award-winning author, speaker, and adult autism assessment specialist. Autistic people, and those who teach them, work with them, and love them, are among her favorite people in the world. She lives in Salem, Oregon and has a telehealth autism assessment practice at www.AdultAutismAssessment.com.

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