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See Your Business The Way A Buyer WillFew business owners are prepared to maximize their business's valuewhen it's time to sell or transition. In most cases it's because theyjust don't know how. Don't wait until something unforeseen happensand you're forced to exit your business; start planning now for youreventual exit. Look at your business the way a buyer will look at yourbusiness. Is it irresistible or damaged? Problematic or attractive?You can control the perception, but only if you set your mind to it.Seeing your business the way a buyer does is how the pros do it.This perspective will help you maximize value in good times orbad, reduce your tax bill, and even shorten the due diligence anddocumentation process.In Jim Cumbee's Home Run, a Pro's Guide to Selling Your Business,you'll learn how a buyer will look at your business based on whatCumbee calls the Seven Principles of Irresistibility: * DIVERSE CUSTOMER BASE* SUSTAINABLE REVENUE* RELIABLE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS* DEMONSTRABLE SCALABILITY* UNIQUE MARKET POSITION* OWNER INDEPENDENCE* BELIEVABLE GROWTH STORYFollow these seven principles and your business will be irresistible tobuyers.

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