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The Relentless One, the Bearer of the Bow, the Untamed ... those are only a few of the names Selene DiSilva's answered to over the years. But these days she's content to work in secret, defending the women of Manhattan from the evils of men. She's reclusive, stubborn, and deeply unfriendly to everyone but her dog. But when a woman's mutilated body washes up in Riverside Park wearing a laurel wreath, Selene finds that she can no longer hide in the shadows. As more women are threatened, Selene is forced to embrace the one name she's tried hardest to forget -- Artemis. For who better to follow the killer's tangled trail than the Goddess of the Hunt herself?

About the Author

Jordanna Max Brodsky

Jordanna Max Brodsky hails from Virginia, where she made it through a science and technology high school by pretending it was a theater conservatory. She holds a degree in History and Literature from Harvard University. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, where she is working on the second book in the Olympus Bound trilogy. She often sees goddesses in Central Park and wishes she were one.

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