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Les Leopold

track author

After graduating from Oberlin College and Princeton University's Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (MPA 1975) , Les
co-founded and currently directs The Labor Institute (1976) , a non-profit organization that designs research and educational programs on
occupational safety and health, the environment and economics for unions, workers centers and community organizations. In addition to "Runaway Inequality." he is the author of "How to Make a Million Dollars an Hour: Why Financial Elites get away with siphoning off America's Wealth" (John Wiley...

Peri Pakroo

track author

Peri Pakroo ( is a business author and coach, specializing in creative and smart strategies for self-employment and small business. She has started, participated in, and consulted with start-ups and nonprofits for more than 20 years. She is the founder, publisher and editor of Pyragraph ( , an online career and lifestyle magazine for artists, musicians, filmmakers and other creative workers worldwide.Peri received her law degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law in 1995, and a year later began editing and writing for Nolo, specializing in small business and intellectual...