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Adele Buck

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A New Hampshire native, Adele still has membership card number 430 from her hometown library even though she has lived in the D.C. area for over 20 years with her fantastic husband and the requisite number of melodramatic cats. Having worked as (among other things) : a bookseller, a server, a communications manager, an actor, and a stage manager, Adele is currently employed as a librarian at a Washington, D.C. law school. To keep up with the latest, please sign up for her newsletter on adelebuck. com. (Photo credit: Brian Adams PhotoGraphics)

A.J. Pine

track author

A librarian by day and a romance writer by night, A.J. Pine can't seem to escape the world of fiction, and she wouldn't have it any other way. When she finds that 25th hour in the day, she might indulge in a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires, superheroes, and all things K-Drama. She hails from the far off galaxy of the Chicago suburbs.