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Jess Connolly

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Jess Connolly is a woman who wants to leave her generation more in awe of God than she found it. She is passionate about family, God's Word, and seeing women take their place in the kingdom. She loves communicating, coffee, color, and the local church. Her first book, Wild and Free, was coauthored with Hayley Morgan and came out in May 2016. Her second and solo book, Dance Stand Run released on October 24th, 2017. She also coauthored Always Enough and Never Too much with Hayley Morgan, which released in May 2018. Her newest book, You Are The Girl For The Job releases September 24th, 2019. Jess and her husband...

Emily P. Freeman

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Emily P. Freeman is a writer, creative director, and spiritual mentor who helps create space for the soul to breathe so people can walk in step with their calling.She is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simply Tuesday and Grace for the Good Girl as well as Graceful and A Million Little Ways. She's been writing online for over 10 years and is the co-founder of a growing community for writers at She and her husband live in North Carolina with their three children. Connect with Emily online at and on Instagram @emilypfreeman.