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Si Spencer

track author

Si Spencer is a British TV dramatist and graphic novelist. His TV credits include Eastenders, The Bill and Grange Hill. His graphic novel work includes a stint as editor of cult classic 'Deadline' (Home of Tank Girl) as well as Judge Dredd, The Books of Magick (in collaboration with Neil Gaiman) , Hellblazer and his own title 'The Vinyl Underground'.

Si also works as a freelance editor to new and established screenwriters. A keen quiz buff, he has started a series of fiendishly difficult trivia quiz books.

Faith Erin Hicks

track author

Born in the wilds of British Columbia, the young Faith frolicked among the Sasquatch native to the province before moving to Ontario at age five. There she was homeschooled with her three brothers, and developed an unnatural passion for galloping around on horseback, though never without a proper helmet (because you only get one skull) . After twenty years of suffering through Ontario's obscenely hot summers, she migrated east, and now lives beside the other ocean in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She worked in animation for a bit, and now draws comics full time. She's not sure how that happened either.