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Emily Kenway

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Emily Kenway is a writer, researcher and activist from the UK. Her first book, The Truth about Modern Slavery, delved into the world of human trafficking and exploitation - but not in the way you expect. Instead of taking us on a tour of miserable lives, Kenway showed how 'modern slavery' was a new framing of exploitation, one that served the interests of the economy and the powerful more than those it purports to save. Her new book, 'Who Cares: The Hidden Crisis of Caregiving and How We Solve It' (April/May 2023) takes us into the invisible world of family caregivers. Weaving together her personal...

Rose Hackman

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Rose Hackman is a British journalist based in Detroit. For the last decade, her work on gender, race, labor, policing, housing and the environment - published in The Guardian - has brought international attention to overlooked American policy issues, historically entrenched injustices, and complicated social mores. In 2015, while working as a features writer for The Guardian in New York City, Rose wrote a widely-circulated article on emotional labor, which radically changed her way of understanding how power, gender and race affect the most intimate ways in which people relate to one another. Her research...