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Tiya Miles

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Tiya Miles is the author of three multiple prize-winning works in the history of early American race relations: Ties That Bind: The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom; The House on Diamond Hill: A Cherokee Plantation Story; and most recently, The Dawn of Detroit: A Chronicle of Slavery and Freedom in the City of the Straits. She has also written historical fiction: The Cherokee Rose: A Novel of Gardens and Ghosts (a Lambda Literary Award Finalist) , shared her travels to "haunted" historic sites of slavery in a published lecture series, and written various articles and op-eds (in The New York...

Esau McCaulley

track author

Esau McCaulley, PhD is an associate professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL. He is the author of many works including Sharing in the Son's Inheritance and the Children's Book Josie Johnson Hair and the Holy Spirit. His book Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope won numerous awards, including Christianity Today's book of the year. His latest project is a memoir entitled: How far to the Promise Land: One Family's Story of Hope and Survival in the American South. He is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times. His writings...