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Stefani Bittner

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Stefani Bittner is a co-founder of Homestead Design Collective, a San Francisco Bay Area landscape design firm focused on creating beautiful gardens that provide harvest.Her team offers a unique and sophisticated approach, using both organic farming and fine gardening skills, for people who want help creating aesthetically designed, organic edible gardens. Stefani is the co-author of The Beautiful Edible Garden (Ten Speed Press, 2013) and Harvest (Ten Speed Press, 2017) . Homestead provides design, installation, and full-service organic maintenance, harvesting, bee keeping, floristry and composting services. Homestead...

Harry Dunn

track author

Harry Dunn was born and raised in Aberdeen,Scotland and joined the BBC in 1967. He travelled around the UK with TV celebrities to publicise and promote their books and began reading crime thrillers as a way to pass the time when staying in hotels. Keith Floyd said to him one day, 'You know enough about it. You should write your own,' So was born Private Investigator,Jack Barclay and Harry's first thriller 'Smile of the Viper' was published by Caffeine Nights to great reviews. His second novel, Forever Evil again featuring Jack Barclay soon followed and the third in the series is work in progress.Harry...