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New Scientist

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New Scientist, the world's leading science & technology weekly magazine, was launched in 1956 "for all those men and women who are interested in scientific discovery, and in its industrial, commercial and social consequences".The brand's mission is no different today - New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour and issues that affect us all, explaining why a development is significant as well as putting social and cultural context around it.

Michael Miller

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Michael Miller is the best-selling writer of more than 200 non-fiction books that have collectively sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide. He writes on a variety of topics, including technology, social media, business, consumer electronics, and music, and for a variety of readers, from young adults to seniors aged 50 . From his first book (Ventura Publisher Techniques and Applications, published in 1988) to his latest title, he has established a reputation for practical advice, technical accuracy, and an unerring empathy for the needs of his readers.