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Arik Kershenbaum

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Dr Arik Kershenbaum is a zoologist, College Lecturer, and Fellow at Girton College, University of Cambridge. He has researched animal vocal communication for the past ten years in Europe, Israel and the United States and has published more than twenty academic publications on the topic. He is also a member of the international board of advisors for METI. org, a think tank on the topic of Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Arik has done extensive field work on animal communication, following wolves around Yellowstone National Park and the forests of central Wisconsin to uncover the meaning of their different...

Thomas Nelson

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Born into a rich heritage of Virginia patriots, my 4th great grandfather, Gov Thomas Nelson, Jr., Signer of the Declaration of Independence, and others active in Virginia history. I love history and wrote the History of the 318 Field Hospital to honor my grandfather, Maj (Dr) Hugh Thomas Nelson, Jr., who I never met, as well as honoring his men. I traveled to France to see the land his unit operated and participated in the Great War.