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Julie Anne Long

track author

Well, where should I start? I've lived in San Francisco for more than a decade, usually with at least one cat. I won the school spelling bee when I was in 7th grade; the word that clinched it was 'ukulele. ' I originally set out to be a rock star when I grew up (I had a Bono fixation, but who didn't? ) , and I have the guitars and the questionable wardrobe stuffed in the back of my closet to prove it. But writing was always my first love. I was editor of my elementary school paper (believe it or not, Mrs. Little's fifth grade class at Glenmoor Elementary did have one) ; my high school...

Adib Khorram

track author

Adib Khorram is an author, a graphic designer, and a tea enthusiast. If he's not writing (or at his day job) , you can probably find him trying to get his 100 yard Freestyle under a minute, or learning to do a Lutz Jump. He lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where people don't usually talk about themselves in the third person. You can find him on Twitter (@adibkhorram) , Instagram (@adibkhorram) , or on the web at