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Edward Underhill

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Edward Underhill grew up in the suburbs of Wisconsin, where he could not walk to anything, which meant he had to make up his own adventures. He began writing (very bad) stories as a kid and wrote his first (also very bad) novel in his teens. He currently lives in California, where by day he writes music (most frequently for cartoons) and by night he writes stories, which aren't as bad as they used to be. As a queer trans man, he is passionate about books where queer and trans kids can find themselves in the pages. If you are one of those kids, he promises there will always be a place for you in his books....

Nikki May

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Born in Bristol, raised in Lagos, NIKKI MAY is Anglo-Nigerian. She ran a successful ad agency before turning to writing. Her debut novel WAHALA was inspired by a long (and loud) lunch with friends. It will be published around the world in January 2022 and is being turned into major BBC TV drama. She lives in Dorset with her husband, two standard schnauzers, and way too many books. You can follow Nikki on Twitter: @NikkiOMayOr Instagram: @tosca100