Robert Macfarlane
track author
Robert Macfarlane is the author of prize-winning and bestselling books about landscape, nature, people and place, including Mountains of the Mind: A History of a Fascination (2003) , The Wild Places (2007) , The Old Ways (2012) , Holloway (2013, with Stanley Donwood and Dan Richards) , Landmarks (2015) , The Lost Words: A Spell Book (with the artist Jackie Morris, 2017) and Underland: A Deep Time Journey (2019) . His work has been translated into many languages, won prizes around the world, and his books have been widely adapted for film, television, stage and radio. He has collaborated with artists, film-makers,...
Tim Clare
track author
Tim Clare is an author, poet and presenter of the podcast for writers, Death Of 1000 Cuts. He has written two Fantasy novels, THE HONOURS and THE ICE HOUSE, published by Canongate. His nonfiction book about failed writers, WE CAN'T ALL BE ASTRONAUTS, won Best Biography/Memoir at the East Anglian Book Awards.