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Frank Close

track author

Francis Edwin Close (Arabic: In addition to his scientific research, he is known for his lectures and writings making science intelligible to a wider audience. From Oxford he went to Stanford University in California for two years as a Postdoctoral Fellow on the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. In 1973 he went to the Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire and then to CERN in Switzerland from 1973-5. He joined the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire in 1975 as a research physicist and was latterly Head of Theoretical Physics Division from 1991. He headed the communication and public education activities...

Jeff Koehler

track author

Jeff Koehler is an American writer, traveler, photographer, and cook. His writing, recipes, and photographs have appeared in many publications, including, the Washington Post,, Saveur, Food & Wine, Gourmet, Fine Cooking, EatingWell, Los Angeles Times, CS Monitor, Afar, Men's Journal, Atlantic Monthly online, Virtuoso Life, Dwell, Tin House and Penguin's literary journal The Happy Reader. He has work included in Best Food Writing 2010 and other anthologies, and has been awarded a prize by the North American Travel Journalist Association. His latest book is Darjeeling: The Colorful...