Devney Perry
track author
Devney is a and bestselling author who lives in Washington with her husband and two sons. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her family. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she's discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop. Visit Devney's website to sign up for her newsletters and learn more about upcoming books.
Katherine Addison
track author
A pseudonym of . Both Sarah and Katherine are on Twitter as . Katherine reviews nonfiction. Sarah reviews fiction. Fair warning: I read very little fiction these days. Sarah/Katherine was born and raised in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, one of the three secret cities of the Manhattan Project. She got her B.A. from Case Western Reserve University, her M.A. and Ph. D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Despite being , none of her degrees is of the slightest use to her in either her day job or her writing, which she feels is an object lesson for us all. She currently lives near Madison, Wisconsin.