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Jamie Bartlett

track author

My chief interest is the relationship between technology, politics and society - and my aim is to make writing on tech accessible to a general public. I find too many books on the subject are dry, technical and lack human characters. I especially like to find subcultures - the fringe groups and ideas most people dismiss as crazy - because they are very often useful guides to the future. This is the approach I took in my first book 'The Dark Net', which looked at hidden internet subcultures, based on months immersed in these groups. I write frequently on these questions for several outlets, and do occasional...

Sally Denton

track author

I am an investigative reporter, author, and historian who writes about the subjects others ignore--from a drug conspiracy in Kentucky to organized crime in Las Vegas; from corruption within the Mormon Church to murdered women in New Mexico; from one of America's bitterest political campaigns to the powerful forces arrayed against Franklin D. Roosevelt. While the subjects of my books at first glance seem disparate, they are actually unified by a central theme of the exploration of subjects in American history that have been neglected or marginalized, and characters whom I return to their rightful places in history....