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Cori George
track author
Cori George is the colorful and creative mind behind Hey, Let's Make Stuff! With her books, website and digital shop, she inspires more than seven million crafters each year with Cricut projects, sublimation tutorials, laser crafts, SVGs, printables, and simple DIY projects. Cori boasts a substantial fanbase, with 24,000 engaged followers on YouTube and 67,000 followers on Instagram, attesting to her widespread appeal and influence in the crafting community. She's also a three-time published craft book author - her latest book, Sublimation Crafts, is set to drop in 2024!
Stefani Bittner
track author
Stefani Bittner is a co-founder of Homestead Design Collective, a San Francisco Bay Area landscape design firm focused on creating beautiful gardens that provide harvest.Her team offers a unique and sophisticated approach, using both organic farming and fine gardening skills, for people who want help creating aesthetically designed, organic edible gardens. Stefani is the co-author of The Beautiful Edible Garden (Ten Speed Press, 2013) and Harvest (Ten Speed Press, 2017) . Homestead provides design, installation, and full-service organic maintenance, harvesting, bee keeping, floristry and composting services. Homestead...