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Audrey Burges

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Audrey Burges writes novels, humor, satire, and essays in Richmond, Virginia. Her stories have been published in McSweeney's, Pithead Chapel, Cease, Cows, HAD, Into the Void, and elsewhere. Audrey was raised in Arizona by her linguist parents, which is a lot like being raised by wolves, but with better grammar. She moved to Virginia as an adult but still carries mountains and canyons in her heart, and sometimes, when she closes her eyes, she can still smell ponderosa pines in the sun.

K. T. Nguyen

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is a former magazine editor. Her features have appeared in and After graduating from Brown University, she spent her twenties and thirties hopping from New York City to San Francisco, Shanghai, Beijing, and Taipei and has now settled just outside Washington, D.C. with her family. K.T. is a big fan of rescue terriers, native plant gardening, and jigsaw puzzles.