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Claire Thomson

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I was born in Zimbabwe and spent my early childhood there before moving to London aged 8, from the city to Shropshire, in deepest countryside, until leaving home with a backpack and books (in a time before kindles) . I have cooked in many places around the world and think cooking good food with interesting people from wherever in the world is where I am happiest. Also too, my own kitchen table with the children home from school, cup of tea, glass of wine and so on. Professional chef, food writer, author and mother of 3, I am almost always in an apron and am never without something to cook, someone to feed. Have...

Alexandra Jones

track author

Alexandra, a Connecticut native, has loved all that involves using stationary utensils since she was able to hold them. From drawing to reading as well as writing, Alexandra's passions have always been centered around creating a story. As an author, her desire to come across relatable to the masses is innate. Her hopes with children's books is to not only keep the next generation engaged but to also highlight important lessons that may leave a lasting imprint, leaving all who read her work that much more inspired to live each moment that much better.