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Mark Feldmeir

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Mark Feldmeir is the author of four books, including his latest work, A House Divided: Engaging the Issues through a Politics of Compassion. He has served on the Adjunct Faculty at Claremont School of Theology, where he has taught homiletics, and has spoken at various conferences throughout the country on topics ranging from preaching, politics, and pop culture. He currently serves as Lead Pastor at St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.Mark received his B.A. in Religious Studies from the University of California, Riverside (1990) , and his M.Div. from Claremont School of Theology (1993)...

Brit Barron

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Brit spent the first part of her life in the evangelical church and eventually became a pastor at a mega church at the ripe age of 26. After peaking too soon, she started to understand more about herself, her dreams and her sexuality. She met a woman named Sami that changed, saved and transformed her whole life. Meeting Sami, leaving the church, coming out and getting married have given Brit a deep seated passion for reminding people that choosing freedom is always worth it no matter the cost. Brit and Sami live in southern California with their dog Charles Barkley and their house full of plants that they treat...