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Simon Sebag Montefiore

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Simon Sebag Montefiore is the internationally bestselling author of prize-winning works of history, novels and books for children. His latest book, WRITTEN IN HISTORY: LETTERS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, is a selection of great letters from ancient times to the 21st century, including letters on power, love, art, sex, faith, war. His next book VOICES OF HISTORY: SPEECHES THAT CHANGED THE WORLD is due to be published in September. Montefiore's history titles include: WRITTEN IN HISTORY: LETTERS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, THE ROMANOVS, JERUSALEM: THE BIOGRAPHY, YOUNG STALIN, STALIN: THE COURT OF THE RED TSAR and CATHERINE...

David Quammen

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David Quammen is the author of a dozen fiction and nonfiction books, including Blood Line and The Song of the Dodo. Spillover, his most recent book, was shortlisted for several major awards. A three-time National Magazine Award winner, he is a contributing writer for National Geographic and has written also for Harper's, Outside, Esquire, The Atlantic, Powder, and Rolling Stone. He travels widely on assignment, usually to jungles, mountains, remote islands, and swamps.