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Joshua Berman

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Joshua Berman is an award-winning travel writer and Denver Post columnist. His articles and photography have appeared in The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, Yoga Journal, Outside Traveler, 5280, Transitions Abroad, Worldview, and Hooked on the Outdoors. Joshua is a freelance writer specializing in Travel/Adventure, Wilderness Education, and Spanish language education, especially in Central America and Colorado. Joshua's website is:

Caroline Paul

track author

I grew up in New England, with an identical twin, a younger brother, and a menagerie of animals. I did some goofy things as an adolescent: I learned all the constellations in the Western Hemisphere; I tried to set the Guinness World Record for crawling; I built a boat out of milk cartons, then convinced my twin and two friends to join me on the river, then waded to shore with them when it broke up in the first rapid. These adventures and more are part of my latest book, The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure, written especially for 7-12 year-old girls. I graduated from Stanford University, where...