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Deborah Evans Price

track author

Author of the books COUNTRY FAITH (a #1 pick in PEOPLE magazine's Special Country Edition) and COUNTRY FAITH CHRISTMAS (featured in Billboard, Country Weekly and many others) . I'm a Country Music Association (CMA) Award-winning writer, as well as a freelance writer for Billboard, Rolling Stone Country, Country Weekly and more. I'm also the co-founder of Country Faith LLC where we "Celebrate the Heart and Soul of Country Music" through books, CDs, festivals, cruises, and our exclusive line of jewelry.

Charles Martin

track author

Married for 47 years, with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Christian for 64 years. 74 years old (and FINALLY retired) . I have always been a reader and a story teller. I highly encourage everyone to click on the cover of any of my books before you purchase it, and you can read several pages, to see if you would like the book or not. The writing style is fairly constant throughout each book. Everyone have a good day, and read yourself into an adventure!!NOTICE: I am compiling a Concordance Of Proper Nouns, for the King James Bible. I hope to have it finished in early 2019. Watch for it. (I am in I Kings.)...