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Gary Rivlin

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I'll confess that in high school I was the type more likely to read the Cliff Notes than the assigned work. I was going to be an engineer; who cared about books? But for a requirement in college I took a literature course and I've been grateful ever since. I joke that I'm a self-taught reader, having pretty much started at age 19. Politics and social issues propelled me into journalism. I felt like I had something to say so I started to write. In college I always enjoyed reading a great alternative weekly, the Chicago Reader. I began contributing to the Reader and eventually earned a staff job there...

Nicole Lapin

track author

Nicole Lapin is the New York Times Bestselling author of Rich Bitch, Boss Bitch and Becoming Super Woman. She is the host of the business reality competition show, "Hatched" that aired on the CW for the first season and CBS for the second. She has been an anchor on CNN, CNBC and Bloomberg. In addition to being the co-host of "Hush Money" alongside the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Jason Feifer, Lapin hosts her own daily show on iHeartRadio called "Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin" which is consistently ranked at the top of Apple's business charts.