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William Kotzwinkle

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American novelist William Kotzwinkle is a two-time recipient of the National Magazine Award for Fiction, a Book Critics Circle award nominee, a winner of the World Fantasy Award, the Prix Litteraire des Bouquinistes des Quais de Paris, the PETA Award for Children's Fiction, and he wrote the narration for Michael Jackson's E.T. record which won a special children's Grammy.

Julie Clark

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Julie Clark is someone just like you, who constantly looks to learn and grow. She is the mother of a daughter with Asperger's Syndrome (also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder) , and writes from that perspective. Her book, "Asperger's in Pink" (Future Horizons, 2010) , offers down to earth, practical advice to friends and families of those on the Autism Spectrum, as well as those who work with them. She is honored that "Asperger's in Pink" is recommended by notable Autism Spectrum Disorder/Asperger's experts including Dr. Tony Attwood and Rudy Simone. Julie was also a featured...