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Jason van Gumster

track author

Jason van Gumster does a lot of things. Mostly he makes stuff up. He writes, animates, and occasionally teaches. He has heavy entrepreneurial tendencies that run nearly as deep as his creative ones... so he has a constant fascination with producing creative content with as much control and independence as possible. Naturally, he's a big proponent of open source software; very nearly everything that he produces is made using Free and open source tools.Using those open source tools, Jason ran his own small, independent animation studio for 8 years. And in the course of that, he had the privilege of managing mid-sized...

Richard Horne

track author

Richard Horne is well known in the 3D printing community as RichRap. Richard is a highly passionate advocate of 3D printing, for the home, education and industrial sectors. Since joining the open-source maker movement and then the RepRap project in 2009, Richard has been writing, blogging, developing and sharing ideas for greater consumer interest in 3D printing.

Richard provides technical consultancy for the 3D printing industry and is part of the 3D Printing Association advisory board, where he is also developing and promoting industry standards for the home 3D printing sector. Richard's work...