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David Quammen

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David Quammen is the author of a dozen fiction and nonfiction books, including Blood Line and The Song of the Dodo. Spillover, his most recent book, was shortlisted for several major awards. A three-time National Magazine Award winner, he is a contributing writer for National Geographic and has written also for Harper's, Outside, Esquire, The Atlantic, Powder, and Rolling Stone. He travels widely on assignment, usually to jungles, mountains, remote islands, and swamps.

Karla Zimmerman

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Karla Zimmerman writes travel stories for newspapers, books, magazines and web sites. She has contributed to 80-plus guidebooks and travel anthologies, covering destinations in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and the Caribbean - all of which are a long way from the early days, when she wrote about gravel for a construction magazine and got to trek to places like Fredonia, Kansas. Karla is based in Chicago.