Michael Loynd
track author
Michael Loynd is the author of ALL THINGS IRISH: A NOVEL, and the upcoming true story, THE WATERMEN, for Ballantine Random House. Married to his high school sweetheart, they live in St. Louis with their four children.
Robert Elias
track author
Robert Elias is Professor of Politics and Chair of Legal Studies at the University of San Francisco, where he has received the Sarlo Prize, the Distinguished Research Award, and Frank Beach Service Award, and been a Davies Professor and the National Endowment for the Humanities Chair. He teaches courses on U.S. political history, human rights, constitutional law, American foreign policy, and baseball. Elias was educated at the University of Pennsylvania (B.A.) , Penn State University (M.A., PhD) , and the University of Strasbourg (Certificate) . He is the author of eight books, and numerous essays and articles in both...