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Lonely Planet

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With over 150 million guidebooks in print, Lonely Planet is a trusted source for any traveler. Since our inception in 1973, we've inspired generations of travelers to discover amazing places and enabled curious travelers to get off the beaten paths to appreciate different cultures and become agents of positive change.

Margaret Li

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Margaret Li and her siblings Irene and Andrew Li are the co-owners of the The Mei Mei Group, a Boston-based restaurant, food truck and catering company with a focus on innovation, sustainability, and great service. Led by Chef Irene, Mei Mei's creative Chinese-American cuisine draws upon the siblings' multicultural heritage, combining Chinese techniques and influences with the bounty of New England farms. Their food truck, Mei Mei Street Kitchen, opened in 2012 and was soon awarded Boston's Best Meals on Wheels by Boston Magazine. Their brick-and-mortar restaurant opened in late 2013 and was named Eater...