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Abraham Riesman

track author

I'm a journalist and the author of the biography "True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee" (Penguin Random House / Crown, 2021) . I am working on another biography, "Ringmaster: The Life and Times of Vince McMahon" (Simon & Schuster, TBD) .

Lou Reed

track author

Lou Reed was an influential American rock singer-songwriter and guitarist. He first came to prominence as the guitarist and principal singer-songwriter of The Velvet Underground (1965-1973) . The band gained little mainstream attention during their career, but in hindsight became one of the most influential of their era. As the Velvets' principal songwriter, Reed wrote about subjects of personal experience that rarely had been examined in rock and roll, including bondage and S&M ("Venus in Furs") , transvestites ("Sister Ray" and "Candy Says") , drug culture ("Heroin"...