Christine Chitnis
track author
Christine Chitnis is a mother, writer, photographer, and avid home cook. She lives with her husband and two young sons in Providence, Rhode Island. Her writing and photography are inspired by the farmland and coasts of her adopted home state, though her love of the natural world dates back to childhood summers spent in Northern Michigan. Christine is the author of Icy, Creamy, Healthy, Sweet (Roost, 2016) , Little Bites (Roost, 2015) , and Markets of New England (The Little Bookroom, 2011) . Her writing has appeared in Self Magazine, Country Living, The Boston Globe, and Edible Rhody, among many other...
Richard Bangs
track author
is a world adventurer, international river explorer, Web pioneer, and award-winning author of over a dozen books and hundreds of magazine articles. He is also founding partner of Mountain Travel Sobek, America's oldest and largest adventure travel firm. He is currently producing and hosting the new PBS series, Richard Bangs Adventures with Purpose. An episode about Quest for the Sublime will air Fall 2008. "