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Darcy Coates

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Darcy is the USA Today Bestselling author of Hunted, The Haunting of Ashburn House, Craven Manor, and more than a dozen horror and suspense titles.She lives on the Central Coast of Australia with her family, cats, and a garden full of herbs and vegetables.Darcy loves forests, especially old-growth forests where the trees dwarf anyone who steps between them. Wherever she lives, she tries to have a mountain range close by. You can hear about her next book by joining her newsletter:

Mackenzie Reed

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Mackenzie is the author of several books on journaling and self-discovery including "2018 Success Journal", "The Morning Routine Journal", "The 100-Day Prompt Journal" and "Journal Writing".

Mackenzie constantly seeks to master all areas of life and inspire others to improve and enjoy life. She finds it most important to know oneself, be authentic and connect with a personal happiness that shines and affects others.