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David Brooks

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David Brooks is a political and cultural commentator. He is currently a columnist for The New York Times and a commentator on PBS NewsHour. He has previously worked for Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, Newsweek, The Atlantic Monthly and National Public Radio.

Michelle Icard

track author

Remember middle school? Are you cringing? I didn't like it much myself the first time around. I fell into the pit of my own adolescent despair when, as a 7th grader wearing oversized glasses and off-brand jeans, my two best friends decided they were better off without me and went their own way. This left me stranded in my multicolored socks to fend for myself in the jungle of middle school. Now I help kids, their parents, and teachers reframe how they view early adolescence. My first book, Middle School Makeover: Improving The Way You And Your Child Experience Middle School (2015) , is a primer for the social...