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Amanda Montell

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Amanda Montell is a writer and linguist from Baltimore born in the winter of 1992. She is the author of two nonfiction books: Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism (forthcoming from Harper Wave in June 2021) and the critically acclaimed Wordslut: A Feminist Guide to Taking Back the English Language (Harper Wave, 2019) . Wordslut has earned praise from the New York Times, Kirkus Reviews, and Publisher's Weekly, among others, and Amanda is currently developing the book for television with FX, serving as creator, writer, and executive producer. As a reporter and essayist, Amanda's writing has been featured...

Sigmund Freud

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Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is one of the twentieth century's greatest minds and the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology. His many works include The Ego and the Id; An Outline of Psycho-Analysis; Inhibitions; Symptoms and Anxiety; New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis; Civilization and Its Discontent, and others.