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John Matthews

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As any Hollywood executive will tell you, there are three main acts in a film - and I suppose it could be said that my writing career has followed the same path.The first act was two novels written in my twenties, Basikasingo and Crescents of the Moon. Published by Hutchinson/Arrow Books in London, both did well, selling 100,000 plus. But I became distracted with other publishing ventures and didn't return to writing novels for some while.That return (Act Two, if you will), was with one of my strongest books to date, Past Imperfect. A crime thriller with a difference - think in terms of John Grisham meets Stephen...

Lauren Graham

track author

Lauren Helen Graham (born March 16, 1967) is an American actress, producer and writer. She is best known for playing Lorelai Gilmore on the WB drama series Gilmore Girls, and as Sarah Braverman on the NBC series Parenthood. She is the author of two New York Times best sellers: the novel Someday, Someday, Maybe, and the essay collection Talking As Fast As I Can. Upcoming: In Conclusion, Don't Worry About It, to be released April 3, 2018.