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S.T. Gibson

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S.T. Gibson is a poet, author, and village wise woman in training. If you'd like to stay up-to-date on her new releases and giveaways, sign up for her newsletter: holds a Bachelors degree in Creative Writing from UNC Asheville, and a Masters of Theological Studies from Princeton Seminary. Connect with her on twitter @s_t_gibson or through her official author website Sign up for her monthly newsletter at

Catherine Ryan Hyde

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Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 40 published and forthcoming books.An avid hiker, traveler, equestrian, and amateur photographer and astrophotographer, she has a published book of photos, 365 DAYS OF GRATITUDE: PHOTOS FROM A BEAUTIFUL WORLD.She is co-author, with fellow author and publishing industry blogger Anne R. Allen, of HOW TO BE A WRITER IN THE E-AGE: A SELF-HELP GUIDE.Her novel PAY IT FORWARD was adapted into a major motion picture, chosen by the American Library Association for its Best Books for Young Adults list, and translated into more than 23 languages for distribution in over 30 countries....