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Erik Larson

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Erik Larson, author of the international bestseller , was nominated for a National Book Award for , which also won an Edgar Award for fact-crime writing. His latest book, , has been acquired for publication in 20 countries and optioned by Tom Hanks for a feature film. Erik is a former features writer for The Wall Street Journal and Time. His magazine stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's and other publications. Larson has taught non-fiction writing at San Francisco State, the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, and the University of Oregon, and has spoken to audiences from coast...

Tracie McMillan

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A working-class transplant from rural Michigan to New York City, investigative journalist Tracie McMillan has chronicled America's multiracial working class for the past two decades. She is now working on a book about race, class and resentment in modern America.In 2012, McMillan's New York Times bestseller, The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table mixed immersive reporting, undercover investigative techniques and "moving first-person narrative" (Wall Street Journal) to argue for thinking of fresh, healthy food as a public and social...