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Maurice Ashley

track author

Maurice Ashley lives his passion. Through his love for chess, he not only made history as the first African- American International grandmaster in the annals of the game but he has managed to translate his love to others as a national championship coach, world-class commentator, tournament organizer, author, iPhone app designer, puzzle inventor, and motivational speaker.Maurice has travelled the world as an ardent spokesperson of the character building effects of chess. Coming from the rough and tough streets of Kingston, Jamaica and Brooklyn, New York, Maurice has tirelessly shared his compelling story with young...

Andrea Rangel

track author

I'm Andrea and I'm passionate about making and exploring. I live in Victoria, BC and spend most of my time creating knitting patterns and planning workshops, but I also adore being outside cycling and hiking, and I recently learned to sew. I love the idea of having a full-on handmade wardrobe, though I'm not sure when I'll learn to cobble. Being a part of the making community has been incredibly valuable to me and I hope my contribution of patterns and workshops inspires other makers. I've written a whole lot of patterns independently, and I've designed for great companies like Brooklyn...