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Jack Beaumont

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Jack Beaumont is the pseudonym of a former operative in the clandestine operations branch of the French foreign secret service, the DGSE. He joined 'The Company' after being an air force fighter pilot and later flying special operations and intelligence missions. Beaumont's background gives The Frenchman a level of authenticity that few other spy thrillers have been able to achieve.

rose brik

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Rose Brik is a Canadian writer and poet living in Alberta, Canada. She has been writing since a young age and professionally as a freelance writer, since 2012. Rose's writing resonates with readers on a profoundly relatable level, becoming a mirror of shared emotions and universal truths, creating an intimate connection between her and her readers. When she isn't writing, she can be found with the people she loves; cherishing each moment she has with them. connect on all social media platforms @rosebrikpoet