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Michael Engelhard

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"Every now and then a writer emerges who has both an intimate and hard-won experience of the wilderness and the prose skills to share what they found there, seemingly without loss along the wires. For my money, Michael Engelhard is one of this rare breed."
- David Knowles, publisher of EarthLines


I first discovered storied landscapes as an anthropology student. Accompanying Native Alaskan elders on hunting and fishing excursions, I shared in the place-based experience of people who maintained fluency in nature's idiom to an unequaled degree....

Eric Blehm

track author v=kzQKOOoIsCo v=B_L8ca7AKEA v=HuUTZZA2KH8Eric Blehm is the award-winning author of the New York Times bestsellers Fearless and The Only Thing Worth Dying For. His first book, The Last Season, was the winner of the National Outdoor Book Award and was named by Outside magazine as one of the "greatest adventure biographies ever written." He has dedicated his life to telling the stories of those who serve."In 1999, Blehm became the first journalist to accompany and keep pace with an elite Army Ranger unit on a training...