All Fiction

Glendale Library, Arts and Culture

May, 08 2024 09:05:51

  1. Winthrop, Elizabeth Hartley -  The Mercy Seat (9780802128188)
  2. Johnson, Charles -  Night Hawks (9781501184383)
  3. Nguyen, Viet Thanh -  The Refugees (9780802126399)
  4. Williamson, Joshua -  The Flash (9781401271589)
  5. Carson, Anne -  Float (9781101946848)
  6. Anderson, M. T. -  Yvain (9780763659394)
  7. Kingsbury, Karen -  Two Weeks (9781476707433)
  8. Westerfeld, Scott -  Spill Zone (9781596439368)
  9. Farjāmī, Maḥmūd -  Ranandeh Taxi (9789641850878)
  10. Camilleri, Andrea -  Death at Sea (9780143108818)
  11. Kenison, Katrina -  Mothers (9780374213794)
  12. Mcpherson, Catriona -  Scot Free (9780738753867)
  13. Burton, Tara Isabella -  Social Creature (9780385543521)
  14. Bendis, Brian Michael -  Spider-Man (9780785199625)
  15. Fitzgerald, F Scott -  I'd Die For You (9781501144349)
  16. Thompson, Robbie -  Spidey #6 (9781614795988)
  17. Nakamura, Fuminori -  Cult X (9781616957865)
  18. Jonasson, Ragnar -  Nightblind (9781250096098)
  19. King, Stephen -  It (9781501182099)
  20. Paretsky, Sara -  Fallout (9780062435842)
  21. Mozley, Fiona -  Elmet (9781616208424)
  22. Irving, Nicholas -  Reaper (9781250127341)
  23. Greer, Andrew Sean -  Less (9780316316125)
  24. Mclaughlin, James A -  Bearskin (9780062742797)
  25. Johnstone, William W -  Chuckwagon Trail (9781496708205)