
Lincoln Library

May, 18 2024 20:46:18

  1. Atwater-rhodes, Amelia -  Bloodtraitor (9780385743075)
  2. Trelease, Gita -  Enchante (9781250295521)
  3. Monninger, Joseph -  Whippoorwill (9780544531239)
  4. Gardner, Whitney -  Fake Blood (9781481495561)
  5. Brennan, Sarah Rees -  In Other Lands (9781618731203)
  6. Lundin, Britta -  Ship It (9781368003131)
  7. Littman, Sarah Darer -  Deepfake (9781338177633)
  8. Blackburne, Livia -  Rosemarked (9781484788554)
  9. Peevyhouse, Parker -  The Echo Room (9780765399397)
  10. Yousafzai, Malala -  I Am Malala (9780316327930)
  11. Stevenson, Robin -  Pride (9781459809932)
  12. Turtschaninoff, Maria -  Naondel (9781419725555)
  13. Morpurgo, Michael -  Half a Man (9780763677473)
  14. Nakaya, Andrea C. -  Euthanasia (9781601526809)
  15. Emerson, Kevin -  Exile (9780062133953)
  16. Hocking, Amanda -  Frostfire (9781250049827)
  17. Genevieve, Tucholke, April -  Seven Endless Forests (9780374307097)
  18. Matson, Lynne -  Nil (9780805097719)
  19. Mccully, Emily Arnold -  Ida M. Tarbell (9780547290928)
  20. Shusterman, Neal -  The Toll (9781713506324)
  21. Romanoff, Zan -  Look (9780525554264)
  22. Welch, Jenna Evans -  Love & Luck (9781534401006)
  23. Arnold, Elana K. -  Infandous (9781467738491)
  24. Showalter, Gena -  Firstlife (9780373211579)
  25. Martin, George R. R. -  The Ice Dragon (9780765378774)
  26. Rogan, Eugene L -  The Arabs (9780465094219)
  27. Pinborough, Sarah -  13 Minutes (9781250123855)
  28. Dorval, Anne -  Mommy (904967061)
  29. Baptiste, Tracey -  Minecraft (9780399180668)
  30. Zdrok, Jodie Lynn -  Spectacle (9780765399687)
  31. Siegemund-broka, Austin -  Always Never Yours (9780451479846)
  32. Chappell, Crissa-jean -  Snowbirds (9781507200698)